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How to Cut Down a Tree with an Axe

Learn the Basics: Cutting Down a Tree with an Axe

Cutting down a tree with an axe can be a challenging task, but with the right technique and approach, it can be done safely and efficiently. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Assess the Tree and the Environment
Before you start cutting, take a good look at the tree and the surrounding area. Make sure the tree is not leaning in a dangerous direction or towards any buildings, power lines or other obstacles. Also, check the ground for any unevenness or obstacles that could cause you to lose your balance.

Step 2: Make the First Cut
Stand on one side of the tree and make a horizontal cut about one-third of the way through the trunk. This cut should be at a comfortable height for you to work with. Use a sharp axe and aim for a smooth, even cut. This cut is called the notch and it will determine the direction in which the tree falls.

Step 3: Make the Second Cut
Move to the other side of the tree and make a diagonal cut to meet the horizontal cut you made in step 2. This cut should be at a 45-degree angle and should meet the notch cut precisely. This cut is called the felling cut and it will cause the tree to fall in the direction of the notch.

Step 4: Move to a Safe Distance
Once you have made the felling cut, move to a safe distance away from the tree. Make sure you are not standing in the path of the falling tree.

Step 5: Push the Tree Over
Use a wedge or a pry bar to push the tree over in the direction of the notch. If the tree is small enough, you can push it over with your hands. Be careful not to stand too close to the tree as it falls.

Step 6: Remove the Branches
Once the tree is on the ground, remove the branches using a saw or an axe. Start at the bottom and work your way up. Be careful not to damage the trunk as you remove the branches.

Step 7: Cut the Trunk into Sections
Once the branches are removed, cut the trunk into sections using a saw or an axe. Start at the bottom and work your way up. Be careful not to cut into the ground or any other obstacles.

Cutting down a tree with an axe can be a challenging task, but by following these steps, you can do it safely and efficiently. Remember to always wear protective gear, use a sharp axe, and work with caution.